Don't get us wrong, we've achieved a great deal up until this point. A few awards, a couple of awesome bespoke designs and countless new friends, but we're no longer the fresh faced newbies we once were.
Urban Pirate was born in 2010, through frustration of being unable to find Scottish giftwear, that didn't depict some form of Scottish 'joke' or a generic design that is used the world over. Is Scotland 'probably' the best country in the world? Yes we think so, but doesn't everywhere else claim the same? We decided if we couldn't buy a decent tee then why not make one. Lucky for us, it turned out we weren't the only ones searching for something that didn't scream of tartan tat.
We're not looking to have our designs slapped onto every gift product known to man. Like Del Boy, there are some companies out there who would stick their designs on a toilet seat if they thought it would sell. Toilet seats are probably very lucrative, but we think people are looking for something better.

Image courtesy of ELIA - The European League of Institutes of the Arts
Urban Pirate will continue to produce what we hope are unique great looking designs that people want to wear.
Here's to many more years of pirating!