Where oh where has the time gone! Urban Pirate has reached a decade! We can’t believe it.
Ten years down the line and our mission has never changed, offering an alternative to the Scottish gift market. Bored of the tartan tatt, rip-offs, crude humour of existing Scottish clothing we wanted to offer something different, something creative, in other words, something we would be willing to wear ourselves. ]
We wanted to create designs with a story. Something that said Scotland but without saying ‘Scotland.
We create everything from scratch, drawing inspiration from far and wide, but in most cases they are influenced by whisky in one way or another! They say you are what you eat…wonder if that extends to drink also?
We’ve experienced lots of changes behind the scenes over our ten years, not least we like to think(hope) our design skills have improved. Our biggest change has happened in the past two years when we took the decision to try and release more designs around our own brand.
It was a bit of a punt and we didn’t know how the dice would fall, but also…(shhheee) not everything has to relate to Scotland, right?
We slowly started releasing designs with our name and logo front and centre. We’ve been beyond delighted with how they’ve been received and there are lots more in the pipeline.
Anyway, To mark our big birthday, we’ve released a new Urban Pirate shirt which incorporates some of our old logos, We hope you love it as much as we do.
Our other big news is that we’re now doing most of our production ‘in-house’ which will allow us even greater freedom to create designs whenever we like. With this step we’re looking to make Urban Pirate as eco-friendly as possible, using water-based ink on all our designs to avoid the need for chemicals to clean things up.
Sadly though, reaching this landmark birthday is a little bitter-sweet. It would have been our tenth year attending Highland Games and various other events and we had a full summer schedule planned. However due to the current COVID 19 pandemic, all of our events have been cancelled for 2020, so our birthday party celebrations will need to be put on hold for the moment.
On a closing note, we hope that you and your loved ones are well during this worrying time. We realise that many people have it hard right now, so we hope you’re safe at home.
Next year when this is all over, we’re planning a stonker of a party when we turn 11… We hope to see you at the Bar!!!!