At Urban Pirate we always try to create designs using Scotland as our inspiration, thankfully it’s a never-ending source of material. Food, scenery, contributions to the world….where would be all be without TV or Telephones! So why Vikings, they’re not Scottish, I hear you ask…..well, why not? The Vikings have, inadvertently, given Scotland a great deal with respect to its history and mentality of its people. The Vikings are perceived to be a bit of a warrior race….going forth and conquering. Ok, they were, but they were also pretty good explorers. Legend has it they were the first people to...
Well, in a way. The big metal ones have been around a fair bit longer than that. In the 80s an advertising campaign would start that has yet to be rivaled (in our opinion) by a certain ginger drink. Barrs’ ‘Made in Scotland from Girders’ slogan has been running for 30 years and those that are old enough still repeat it today. The premise of the slogan is a pretty simple one, Irn-Bru makes you strong. It doesn’t hurt that there is a supposed secret ingredient for taste and a diluted iron girder would happen to look rather orangey. The...
‘We’ve just got back from the Isle of Skye…I’m no very big and I’m ayfie’…..auch you know the rest! So we’ve just come back from a cracking little visit to Skye. What a place! We had sun, snow, wind and whisky. Not the first time we’ve been up there but still it feels like we’ve barley scratched the surface. Had the pleasure of visiting a great new gallery we’re selling in Skyworks Gallery where we met Liza and Barrie and Co. Liza is an textile and jewellery artist by trade and Barrie..well Barrie is a baker who makes some of...
Father’s Day is fast approaching again, 21st of June, and everyone loves their daddy….right? We of course think that every dad on the planet should own at least one Urban Pirate t-shirt, such as the new ‘Beard’ design. But there is also a lot of awesome stuff out there from some pretty amazing independent companies. Juniper & Jane ( – Based in Ayrshire. These guys have a great range of products, perfect for any Father, personally, we love the Harris Tweed clocks. Braw Beard Oil (– From parts unknown (Edinburgh) – Does your Dad own a beard? If so, congratulations,...